
-How to surf here-
This blog is the extension of the blog Experiment in dessertarian cooking. You’ll find here all the recipes that are featured in my everyday meals.

The front page will give you the titles of the last uploaded recipes. You can also see all the ingredients needed for each recipe as they are listed as tags under each title.

The best way to surf here is maybe through categories, through tags to browse by ingredients, or through the search program.

You’ll find the meals and photos related to each recipe as ping links at the end of each post.

If you find any missing tag, link, mistake, please let me know.

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Tofu Chantilly


Brocoli, olive and red pepper salad

Kiwi and mint jelly

Mexican pancake (egg masa tortilla)

Mint peas

Hollandaise sauce

Lens and red burger


Tomato courgette and olive pie